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PostgreSQL server

PostgreSQL is an open source object-relational database system. The postgresql package in Solus includes the PostgreSQL library, client and server.


PostgreSQL can be installed either from the Software Center or via terminal:

sudo eopkg install postgresql

Management of the server can be done using Systemd:

sudo systemctl enable postgresql # Start the server on boot
sudo systemctl start postgresql # Start the server now
sudo systemctl stop postgresql # Stop the server

It is possible to connect to the database using the PostgreSQL user:

sudo -u postgres psql

Note that all local connections are trusted and can access all databases by default. This can be changed in /var/db/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf, see the PostgreSQL documentation for more details.

Updating to 16

Because PostgreSQL is included as a single package, the only way to perform a major upgrade of PostgreSQL is via a backup/restore. The procedure below describes the upgrade process as it applies to Solus. See the PostgreSQL documentation for more details.

  1. If you have already updated PostgreSQL, downgrade PostgreSQL back to 15.4:
sudo eopkg it \
  1. (Re)start PostgreSQL:
sudo systemctl restart postgresql
  1. Create a backup of all current data:
sudo -u postgres pg_dumpall -f /tmp/backup.sql

The location of the backup may be one of your choosing, but keep in mind that the postgres user needs to have write permissions on the given location.

  1. Stop PostgreSQL:
sudo systemctl stop postgresql
  1. Rename the old data directory. This directory contains the old configuration and the original database, but requires significant disk space.
sudo mv /var/db/pgsql/data /var/db/pgsql/data.old
  1. Create a new data directory:
sudo mkdir /var/db/pgsql/data
sudo chown postgres: /var/db/pgsql/data
  1. Upgrade PostgreSQL:
sudo eopkg upgrade
  1. Start PostgreSQL:
sudo systemctl start postgresql
  1. Restore the data:
sudo -u postgres psql < /tmp/backup.sql
  1. (optional) Update the configuration files in /var/db/pgsql/data based on the configuration in /var/db/pgsql/data.old. Restart PostgreSQL afterwards.

  2. Verify that the migration was successful and your data is there.

  3. Remove the backup and data dump:

sudo rm -r /var/db/pgsql/data.old /tmp/backup.sql