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History and Software Rollback

Solus provides a history and rollback feature via its package manager, eopkg. This feature allows you to see when your repository was last updated, actions such as installation, removal, and upgrading of software.

Our rollback feature allows you to essentially rewind your system's software back to a previous state, assuming you or our repository has the versions in question.


You can see the history from eopkg by using:

eopkg history



If you have a local repository set up, disable it before doing rollbacks or you may get an error.

Error parsing repository index information. Index file does not exist or is malformed.

To rollback your system, first use the above history command to check what the transaction / operation number was. Then, we use the following command:

sudo eopkg history -t number

The number, in this case, is the operation before the one you want to change. So if the number was 100, then you would use 99.