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Getting Involved

Solus is a big undertaking, and as such there are many ways in which your involvement can help us. Naturally, that means there are also many ways in which you can help out.

Engaging with the community

Community guidelines

The Solus Project enforces a set of community guidelines to maintain respect and professionalism, as well as a family-friendly environment. Please view our community guidelines here.

Community forums

With so many new users joining, there are always more people needing help. A great way to help us out, would be to help out our users on the Solus Project Forums.

Matrix (chat)

Matrix is a great way to discuss issues and development with the community, and project developers in real-time. It's also a great place for getting support, but remember due to timezone differences there might not always be people there to answer your question immediately. You can access Matrix using a client like Element Web, or many others. You will need a Matrix account.

You will find the following Solus rooms on the homeserver:

Social Media

Alongside the forums, you can communicate with developers or others in the community by using one of the following websites:


Solus is funded through our Open Collective, with our fiscal host being the non-profit 501(c)(3) organization Open Source Collective. To read more about what this funding enables us to do take a look at the "About" section of our Open Collective page.

Improving documentation

Our Help Center improves when the documentation improves. If there are docs that you think would be valuable to add, get involved by submitting pull requests to our Help Center Docs repository!


There may be software you wish to have on your system that is currently not available in the repository. While you are more than welcome to submit a bug and wait for someone else to package the software you want, you can also improve and contribute to the community by packaging software. If you're interested in learning to package software, feel free to visit our documentation here.

Report bugs

We're always looking to improve our systems, especially when they're not functioning as expected. By reporting bugs, you improve the system not only for you, but for all Solus Project users.

  • Main Solus GitHub Issue Tracker Most bug reports about Solus itself, and its packages, should be filed here.

  • Other Solus GitHub Repositories Certain parts of Solus, such as the Software Center, have repositories in the getsolus organization on GitHub. Check here to see if the system in question is listed. If so, file the bug in the appropriate repository.

  • Budgie Desktop Budgie Desktop issues are filed in the BuddiesOfBudgie/budgie-desktop repository on GitHub.


Assistance is always welcome in translating our projects to other languages!